• Choose the level that best matches your skills! We trust participants to select the level that aligns with their abilities. However, if your instructor believes a level adjustment is needed during the classes, they may suggest a change. We kindly ask you to follow their guidance, as our priority is to create the best possible learning experience for everyone. Please note that all levels are welcome to participate in competitions. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation!


For dancers focused on fun, learning, and social connection, without WSDC points. This level applies to workshops, but all participants can compete in Jack & Jill.

Social Newcomer: 

You’ve been danced for less than 1 year, taking workshops, intensives and have a solid understanding of the basics, but you still don’t feel fully confident on the dance floor. Now, you’re ready to refine your fundamentals and expand your repertoire of figures to truly own the dance floor.

Social Novice / Inter: 

You’ve been danced for 2 to 3 years, taking workshops, intensives, learning from both national and international instructors, and even participating in national and/or international events. The basics, variations, and more advanced techniques are now second nature to you. Now, you’re eager to not only learn new variations and patterns, but also to move seamlessly on the dance floor with any leader or follower.

Social Advanced:

You’ve been danced for 4 years, taking workshops, intensives, you dance effortlessly with a partner of any level. Technique and pattern variations are second nature to you, and you can master any musical style or tempo. Now, you’re focused on enhancing your musicality, aiming to interpret the music more deeply by incorporating not just the beats, but all the accents and nuances.

WSDC Points Division

For dancers who have already competed in WSDC divisions and earned points in the official circuit. This distinction applies only to workshops.

Competitor WSDC Novice/Inter:
Competitor WSDC

(Minimum of 1 point in Novice required): This level is intended for competitors in the WSDC Novice and Intermediate divisions.

Competitor WSDC Adv/All-Star:
Competitor WSDC
Adv / All-Star:

This level is for competitors in the WSDC Advanced and All-Star divisions.